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Good Fish Sardines in Extra Virgin Olive Oil CAN 120g

Canned Foods

Juicy, sweet and mild in flavour, Good Fish sardines are caught off the coast of Spain and Portugal (FAO Areas 27 and 34) in the middle of the night and cooked and filleted onshore in Spain the following day, to ensure optimal quality. Firm of flesh and excellent to eat, our sardines are preserved in certified organic extra virgin olive oil to maximise their flavour. Caught in small boats with small nets, these sardines are a small breed that is sustainable, renew quickly and have a small environmental footprint. Preserved whole (minus the head and digestive system), sardines have well documented health properties and are robust, choice eating. Eat them whole, on fresh, crusty bread, or serve as part of a waxy potato salad with abundant herbs for a fresh and dynamic meal.