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3 x 500ml Wash Value Pack

Freshwater Farm

This Value Pack includes:

1 x 500ml Hemp Seed Oil Wash

1 x 500ml Mandarin & Cedarwood Oil Wash

1 x 500ml Activated Charcoal Wash

Our naturally derived pure castile Washes are designed to quickly rinse away dirt and impurities from your skin. Our Washes will gently cleanse your skin without stripping it of its natural oils, leaving your skin feeling hydrated and nourished.

↠ 100% Naturally Derived
↠ Vegan Friendly
 Proudly Australian Made
↠ Cruelty Free
↠ Not Tested On Animals



Hemp Seed Oil is an excellent emollient and will also help to regulate your skin’s sebum production, while our botanical blend of Lemon Myrtle, Patchouli, Neroli and Cedarwood essential oils will leave your skin feeling soothed.


Our botanical blend of Mandarin, Cedarwood, Ylang Ylang and Rosemary essential oils has high levels of anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties which will help to soothe your skin and revitalise your senses.


Activated Charcoal will help to gently exfoliate and detoxify your skin, while our botanical blend of Lemon Scented Tea Tree and Bergamot essential oils will leave your skin feeling cleansed and refreshed.

Please see individual product pages for full ingredient lists.