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Scoop Wholefoods

AVAILABLE: Monday to Saturday
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Our Health . Our Planet
Scoop Wholefoods was founded in 2013 by Jeremy & Bettina Kirk with two defined missions – improve peoples health and well-being, and safeguard our planet for future generations. The stores are inspired by their favourite markets and grocery stores that offered zero-waste shopping in their hometown Malta. This together with a passion for protecting the environment led them to open their first store in Mosman, Sydney. Today, Scoop has locations in Australia, Singapore and the United Kingdom with Bettina, Jeremy, their three daughters and partner families bringing the same passion and attention to detail to the stores as when they first opened.

Wholesome foods, carbon-neutral & a waste free world
We only have one planet, so we have to protect it. Since the beginning, it has been Scoop Wholefood's mission to have a positive impact on our environment. From the products we sell to the electricity that powers our stores our aim is to minimise our impact at each step.